This recipe is brilliant if you just want pudding, and you (or the kids) want it now! It cooks in the microwave, which is why it’s so fast. This is just like a mug cake.
I find it a quicker recipe than the microwave jam sponge puddings my mum used to make us because it uses oil – no need to mess about softening or melting butter.
Serves 2-3 depending on appetite
2 tbsp self-raising flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 egg
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp Nutella
Whisk all of the ingredients, except the Nutella, together in a cereal bowl. Drop the Nutella into the centre of the batter and microwave on high for 90 seconds. All microwaves are different – if your pudding isn’t springy on top, give it a few more seconds.
You could easily double this recipe if you’re feeding more or hungrier people; just use a larger bowl or a round glass casserole dish and double the cooking time.
I love your blog mummy. Especially this one. I love it I I love it.